my takes on problematic things

for your information english is not my first language so if i made any mistake pls dm me :))

problematic ships

ship whoever u want i don't care
i ship kaeluc, don't follow me if u have "proshippers dni"

neopronouns and xenogenders

i don't care what pronouns u use and what gender u identify as, as long as it's not harmful to anyone and anthing
however i'm not a big supporter of neopronouns and xenogenders
also emojipronouns are a big no for me sorry

problematic creators

i'm sorry but i think that even if creator is problematic it doesn't mean u should stop reading their work, of course supporting them is not so good anymore so i would recommend reading it somewhere from where they won't gain anything
same with any other types of creators (games, music etc.)

problematic fiction

i think that hating on problematic fiction is just so fucknig stupid... it's fiction, it does NOT apply to reality (if u think it does pls just block me)

yaoi and yuri readers

i don't care if u read yaoi/yuri etc. as long as u don't fetishize it
i personally read yaoi and yuri because i like dynamics and that's all